Things have been a bit crazy. I went home for a time, which was nice. I got engaged, which was the best. I started my new job, where I'll be for at least a year, working at my church out in New Jersey, which has also been great. But now things are settling back into a routine and I've got a bit more time, so its time to start my summer reading plan.
This summer, I want to get more familiar with the people who made a significant impact on theology in the 20th century. I feel like this is a major gap in my understanding of the history of theology, and so I'm going to try to fill in the spaces a bit. This blog will provide a space for me to talk back to whoever I'm reading and give my thoughts.
I got a chance to read some Barth this year at school, and so I want to read some of his contemporaries. I'm starting with Paul Tillich's Systematic Theology. I'm through the first major section now, so that will be my next post. After that, hopefully I'll be able to read a little Bultmann and a little Moltmann, and then I'll see where I'm at.
All that to say that my blog has now taken on the New Being as found in Jesus Christ, and that maybe I'll explain that later when I get there in Tillich.